Mark Teitelbaum
Incumbent, Current Three Springs HOA Board Vice-President
If you’ve clicked this far into the website, I am sure that you will vote in this board election, and I thank you for being involved.
Last year, I wrote that our Board should consist of five friendly neighbors volunteering their time and expertises to represent the interests of the neighborhood and conduct the necessary business of the Association. That if a household has an issue, for them to help us with our neighbor. That if we want to upgrade our property, they are helpful and accessible. That if we’ve done something woefully out of compliance with the CC&Rs that affects the community, we are approached as a friend and neighbor, and there is a conversation to be had and a solution to be found.
Serving as VP of the Board this past year, I am happy to say we’ve come a long way towards this vision. And we have significantly, but not completely, quieted down the mean-spirited rhetoric.
This past year Keith Honig and I spearheaded the replacement our outgoing management company. Craig Beatty and I have been critically reviewing our CC&Rs in order to bring them up to date. We had the first in a long time party in the park, and reestablished the Welcome Committee, gifting our new neighbors with Three Springs swag. The Architectural Committee, under Fritz Stover, rapidly and seamlessly approved numerous applications. And together we we rolled back some over-reaching polices of previous boards and significantly reduced unnecessary violation notices, including punitive and unnecessary parking rules.
I have worked in the entertainment industry for 40 years as a talent agent, talent manager, and executive producer. I have represented the interests of hundreds of actors, writers, directors, and others. I have served on committees for professional organizations, including the Emmy Committee of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. In my lay life, I spent almost two decades serving as an executive board member for two private schools.
Managing complicated people and conflicts, negotiating deals, finding compromises where the parties are satisfied, and transacting business are my professional skills. From my volunteer life, I am well versed in the best practices of board governance.
I would be honored to continue to serve on the Three Springs HOA board and do what I can to keep Three Springs the quiet, idyllic community it deserves to be.
Please vote for me, along with my new friends and colleagues Craig Beatty, Keith Honig, Steve Kerman, and Fritz Stover.
Mark Teitelbaum