Keith Honig
Incumbent, Current Three Springs HOA Board Treasurer
After serving as a member of the Three Springs HOA Board for the past year, I am proud of all we accomplished. I believe there is much more to do and would like the opportunity to serve you for another year.
Working with Craig Beatty, Mark Teitelbaum and Fritz Stover, we have become a Board that is professional, open, transparent and acts without a separate agenda. We have become a Board that represents the interests of our entire community, not just a few vocal residents who appear to have their own agendas. We have also become a Board that oversees the activities of our new management company and conducts meetings and supervises our various committees professionally and according to proper and legal rules of order. We have become more efficient, more equitable, and less intrusive into your rights as homeowners. Notwithstanding false statements by others, we approved a budget for the new year that is balanced and keeps HOA dues flat. This is extraordinary, especially in these inflationary times.
I have been a resident of Three Springs for over 21 years. I am passionate about keeping our neighborhood a family friendly place to live where neighbors look out for each other without fear of harassment or other inappropriate actions by the HOA Board. We as residents of Three Springs have an obligation to protect our neighborhood, our homes, and our rights. We made great progress along those lines this past year, but there is more to do. I would like to continue to represent your interests as a member of the Board for another year.
I hold a Bachelor of Science in business from the University of Southern California, a Master of Accounting degree from the University of Southern California, and a Juris Doctor degree from the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law. I practiced as an attorney with the law firm of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, focusing on real estate lending, foreclosures and bankruptcy. I practiced accounting with KPMG, performing audit and tax services. I currently serve as the Head of Commercial Mortgage Lending for Pacific Life Insurance Company. I have been active in our community as a long-time volunteer for various youth and high school sports programs.
Thank you for your consideration.
Keith Honig